NSMutableArray RegexKit Additions Reference
AvailabilityAvailable in Mac OS X v10.4 or later.
Specifying a Regular Expression
When specifying a regular expression, the regular expression can be either a RKRegex object or a NSString containing the text of a regular expression. When specified as a NSString, as determined by sending isKindOfClass:, the receiver will convert the string to a RKRegex object via regexWithRegexString:options:.
Determining if an Object Matches a Regular Expression
Objects are sent isMatchedByRegex: to determine whether or not they are matched by the specified regular expression.
Instance Methods
Adds the objects matching aRegex contained in otherArray to the end of the receiver's content.
- (void)addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray *)otherArray matchingRegex:(id)aRegex;
Removes all objects that match aRegex from the receiver.
- (void)removeObjectsMatchingRegex:(id)aRegex;
Removes all objects matching aRegex within range from the receiver.
- (void)removeObjectsMatchingRegex:(id)aRegex inRange:(const NSRange)range;