
Returns an array representation of RKBuildConfig bits in string form.
NSArray *RKArrayFromBuildConfig(const RKBuildConfig decodeBuildConfig)
  • decodeBuildConfig
    A mask of options specified by combining RKBuildConfig flags with the C bitwise OR operator.
See the example from RKArrayFromMatchOption to form a C bitwise OR string representation.
Return Value
Returns an array of the individual RKBuildConfig bits in string form.
Returns an array representation of RKCompileOption bits in string form.
NSArray *RKArrayFromCompileOption(const RKCompileOption decodeCompileOption)
  • decodeCompileOption
    A mask of options specified by combining RKCompileOption flags with the C bitwise OR operator.

Returns RKCompileNoOptions if no options are set.

Returns /*Unknown compile options remain: 0xdecodeCompileOption*/ if there are undecoded bits remaining.

See the example from RKArrayFromMatchOption to form a C bitwise OR string representation.

Return Value
Returns an array of the individual RKCompileOption bits in string form.
Returns an array representation of RKMatchOption bits in string form.
NSArray *RKArrayFromMatchOption(const RKMatchOption decodeMatchOption)
  • decodeMatchOption
    A mask of options specified by combining RKMatchOption flags with the C bitwise OR operator.

Returns RKMatchNoOptions if no options are set.

Returns /*Unknown match options remain: 0xdecodeMatchOption*/ if there are undecoded bits remaining.

The following example forms a C bitwise OR string representation of the RKMatchOption bits:

RKMatchOption matchOptions = (RKMatchAnchored | RKMatchNoUTF8Check); NSArray *matchOptionsArray = RKArrayFromMatchOptions(matchOptions); NSString *matchOptionsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@)", [matchOptions componentsJoinedByString:@" | "]]; /* matchOptionsString == @"(RKMatchAnchored | RKMatchNoUTF8Check)" */
Return Value
Returns an array of the individual RKMatchOption bits in string form.
Converts the UTF16 character index range for string to its UTF8 character index range equivalent.
NSRange RKConvertUTF16ToUTF8RangeForString(NSString *string, NSRange range)
Used to convert the character index values from Foundations native UTF16 string encoding to PCREs native UTF8 encoding.
Converts the UTF8 character index range for string to its UTF16 character index range equivalent.
NSRange RKConvertUTF8ToUTF16RangeForString(NSString *string, NSRange range)
Used to convert the character index values from PCREs native UTF8 string encoding to Foundations native UTF16 encoding.
Returns a string representation of a RKCompileErrorCode.
NSString *RKStringFromCompileErrorCode(const RKCompileErrorCode decodeErrorCode)
Returns Unknown error code (#decodeErrorCode) on unknown error values.
Return Value
Returns a string representation of a RKCompileErrorCode.
Returns a string representation of a RKMatchErrorCode.
NSString *RKStringFromMatchErrorCode(const RKMatchErrorCode decodeErrorCode)
Returns Unknown error code (#decodeErrorCode) on unknown error values.
Return Value
Returns a string representation of a RKMatchErrorCode.
Returns a string representation of the RKBuildConfig, RKCompileOption, or RKMatchOption Newline sequence prepended with prefixString.
NSString *RKStringFromNewlineOption(const int decodeNewlineOption, NSString *prefixString)

Since multiple option types are decoded, the caller is required to supply the corresponding prefix via prefixString.

Returns /*Unknown Newline Option: 0xdecodeNewlineOption*/ if the decodeNewlineOption is not recognized.

Return Value
Returns a string in the form "RKCompileNewlineAny" when prefixString is @"RKCompile".
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